Appeal Process - Stage 1
Stewards Vote
Find a Steward who supports your position. They will take your appeal and evidence to a Steward vote. If you are unable to find a supportive Steward proceed to the next steps.
Complete the Gitcoin Appeal form here:
Declare intention to appeal by emailing Also explain why your grant was denied, and why you believe it should be approved. If your case is strong it is possible a Steward from within the FDD group will support your appeal, and take your case to a Steward vote.
If your case is not deemed strong enough to appeal you will be notified by email from the Gitcoin FDD.
When contacted, provide the necessary information.
Gitcoin Stewards will consider the case, vote and contact you with the result. Note, the results will also get posted in our public repository where we share all grant approvals and disputes.
Gitcoin Appeals encourages all denied applicants to apply again after appropriate revisions or with new projects.
Last updated