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攻击: 区块链技术提供了前所未有的、去中心化的交易透明度,这对于无信任的协作是非常必要的。但它也可能导致贿赂的情况出现,可能会动摇二次方捐赠算法使某个特定的组织受益。例如,一些项目承诺将代币空投给那些为其捐款的用户。他们利用这种交换形式使他们的匹配基金分配最大化,这是极有可能的发生的,因为捐赠地址是公开的。
然而,并非所有空投都是恶意的。在这个例子中,一个以太坊项目为任何参与 Gitcoin Grants 的人提供代币空投,无论他们捐赠的是哪项项目。但无论其意图如何,这种行为也可能造成意外的后果。如果针对 Gitcoin Grants 参与者的空投变得普遍,那么用户可能会雇用机器人向许多 Grants 捐赠少量资金,希望以后能获得空投利润。
值得注意的是,有时并没有明确提出贿赂,但即使是隐含的贿赂也会有问题,Mineva 就属于这种情况。虽然没有承诺代币,但他们确实提到很快会有代币。我们有理由相信他们在暗示任何参与项目捐赠的人在未来都会收到代币。这个灰色区域是我们需要继续与社区管理人合作以确定对策。
Gitcoin 行动 : 如果出现明显的贿赂行为,即提供交换条件并提出相同的对质证据,我们将采取行动,从匹配池中删除该 Grant。
资金充足的 Grants 和社区自治政策
第九轮赠款还提出了一个有趣的问题,它不属于攻击类别,但确实引起了社区的合法性问题。Maskbook 是一个全额资助的 Web3 项目赞助了 GR9 黑客马拉松。他们在 2021 年 2 月发布了他们的代币,其中包括向任何在前几轮捐赠者进行回溯分配。
The controversial part of this is at the time Maskbook still had an active grant. So the community questioned whether or not it is appropriate for funded projects to participate in grants rounds and benefiting from QF matching, particularly if they had set a precedent for rewarding past grant contributors. In this case Maskbook acted quickly and stopped accepting matched funds, which seems in line with the expectations of the Ethereum community.
Another example is Vocdoni who also had an active grant, but proactively stopped accepting funds from the match pool after their financial future was secured late last year.
Both examples show the community was willing to police itself so that direct intervention from the Gitcoin Team was not necessary. This is an important observation to note. The more the community rewards good actors, and deters bad actors, the less the Gitcoin Team needs to be involved in governance decisions.
Gitcoin Action: In the case in which a grant owner decides to remove their grant from matching, we will do it for them.
Right now there is no policy against grants having business models, token models, or VC fundraising, but in the future community stewards (in cooperation with the Gitcoin community as a whole) could create one if they wanted.